A New #LetMeBeYourLungs Journey: Carl Hicks

Hello friends!
This year I am off to run a very special 10K in Richmond VA, to raise money and awareness for the fight against pulmonary hypertension as a member of Team PHenomenal Hope! I am especially excited about this for two reasons. First, Georgia Thomas, a beautiful little 13 year old PHer from Northern Virginia, has agreed to join me in the #LetMeBeYourLungs program. I’ll be dedicating this run to her.
Secondly, I am beyond excited to be training and running with Chris Walsh, head of the PH program at CVS Health. As many of you know, most of our PH medications as so special that they require a specialty pharmacy to deliver and assist us with them. CVS is one of the two largest specialty pharmacies in the world doing this and thanks to her and her team, we get our all-important medications that help us breathe and lots of other help delivered to our doorsteps. Thank you Chris for joining me, all the money and awareness you have raised and everything else you do for our PH PHamily every single day!
Please support Chris and me in our efforts to defeat PH and keep Georgia and all our other valiant and courageous PH patients in your thoughts and prayers. I promise we won’t rest until they all can breathe easy! Come to Richmond, VA on April 14 th and cheer us on!
Read more about Georgia and her fight here.