What I Have Learned in 10 Years: Deziree Rivera
August 14,2020
I have lived with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension for nine and a half years. In those nine years I have Read More...

Surviving as a Long Term PAH Patient: Carmen Lozada
August 07,2020
My story as a long-term PAH patient started 12 and a half years ago. It is a story that from Read More...

Racing Through Summer: Letter from the Director
July 29,2020
Five months into the COVID-19 pandemic and it is hard to think that summer is halfway over. The summer has Read More...

A New "Normal" Since COVID-19: Nicole Williams
July 27,2020
This year feels like a new chapter in my life due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As if Read More...

PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research Award Winner Announcement
July 13,2020
Team PHenomenal Hope is proud to announce the winner of the second annual award of $50,000 from the PHenomenal Impact Read More...

Virtual PHenomenal Hope 5K Recap: Thank You for a Successful Event
July 06,2020
Another great event is in the books! We are humbled by your generosity and are excited to announce the total Read More...

PHenomenal Impact Award 2020 Announcement and Research Town Hall
July 01,2020
Team PHenomenal Hope will announce the 2020 winner of the PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research Award at its Read More...

Letter from the Director: A Supportive Community
June 25,2020
I have noticed a new “care” emoji on Facebook that conveys the sentiment, “even apart, we’re in this together.” Now Read More...

Lisa Marble: Employment Concerns During COVID-19
June 24,2020
My name is Lisa Marble. I live in a small town right in the middle of "The Heart of The Read More...

#TeamPHChat Part Two Recap
June 19,2020
We wanted to share a recap of our Team PH Twitter Chat, Part Two. This conversation centered around the COVID-19 Read More...

COVID-19 Road Blocks: Fawn Leuth
June 09,2020
I am a zebra! I enjoy art, playing board games, spending time with my partner, and my two cats and Read More...

Global Update: Team PH Brazil
June 03,2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the lives of those in the PH community upside down, not only in the United Read More...

Caring and Advocacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Letter from the Director
May 21,2020
During this time of uncertainty, I am encouraged and inspired by the positive global response from the PH community on Read More...

Diagnosis and COVID-19 Obstacles: Darlene Serrano
May 18,2020
After two days of Hurricane Maria I started to feel sick. I was short of breath and fatigued; it felt Read More...

Life Needed to Change: Tina Brincko
May 12,2020
Hello, my name is Tina Brincko and I’m from Lake Mary, Florida. I have three amazing children and a loving Read More...