Thoughts on World PH Day and Discussing #PHFeelsLike During a Global Pandemic
May 05,2020
A Word from Team PH Founder and President Dr. Patricia George On this World PH Day we are excited to Read More...

My COVID-19 Survival Story: Laura Rivera
May 04,2020
On Friday, March 28 my husband woke up and told me he was not feeling well and that maybe I Read More...

COVID-19 Interrupted my PH Progress: Victoria Mercado
May 01,2020
Several years ago after having many physical health concerns, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, etc., I couldn't do normal Read More...

Diagnosed Just Before the Pandemic: Ashley Curran
April 28,2020
Back in late November of 2019, I began feeling sick. Almost like I had a cold. I’m a school bus Read More...

Uniting in Solidarity on May 5th, World PH Day: Letter from the Director
April 23,2020
First, let me ask, how is everyone doing after a month or so of social distancing? Personally, I’m finding it Read More...

My Treatment is Back on Track: Enid Mirabal
April 20,2020
My journey with pulmonary hypertension began in October of 2013. I was 33 years old, and married at the time. Read More...

COVID-19 Precautionary Measures and Self Care: Bridgette Redfield
April 15,2020
Since news broke about the coronavirus, it raised a concern for us pulmonary hypertension patients. Not knowing in the beginning Read More...

Ways to Connect: How to Stay Social at a Distance
April 13,2020
If you’re like us, you’re wanting to connect with your friends and family virtually during this time of social distancing Read More...

Sewing For Hope
April 08,2020
We are launching our Sew for Hope campaign. If you are sewing cloth masks for yourself or others, or for Read More...

#PHFeelsLike Campaign
April 06,2020
We at Team PH are thrilled to announce the launch of our #PHFeelsLike campaign at teamph.org/ph-feels-like. With the help of Read More...

COVID-19 Patient Perspective: Jan Janus
April 02,2020
With the widespread of the COVID-19 virus, how are you all coping with your day to day functions? Are you Read More...

Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Community: Letter from the Director
March 31,2020
A lot has transpired in the last month. Who would have ever thought we would experience anything like this in Read More...

Who are the Heroes: Living During the COVID-19 Pandemic
March 25,2020
As we face the COVID-19 pandemic, due to my job I’m still one of the ones who is going out Read More...

COVID-19 and Day to Day: Patient Perspective
March 20,2020
Pulmonary hypertension patients and others with compromised immune systems are focusing on protecting themselves during the outbreak of COVID-19. We Read More...

Responding as a Community and Country to COVID-19
March 19,2020
A message from Patricia George MD, President, Team PHenomenal Hope Dear Teammates, Friends, and PHriends, We find ourselves in challenging Read More...