Badwater 135 Recap: Harold Laudien
The 2022 Badwater 135 Ultramarathon was a great victory. Team PHenomenal Hope was well represented in the toughest footrace through Death Valley in 128 degree heat. We are within striking distance of hitting $20,000 in fundraising for the Unmet Needs Patient Fund at Team PH too!
While we covered 73 miles, instead of the planned 135 miles, my heart is focused on the immense gratitude I feel. My journey to the start line was like a wave being pushed to shore by a strong tide. Years of inspiration from a collection of PH patients, amazing athletes, supporters, family, friends and an amazing wife who were behind me 100% all of the time got me here. During the actual race we controlled what we could to the best of our abilities. Stephanie Russo Laudien, Patricia George, Scott Lehman and Christopher Bright gave all of themselves to ensure I was safe and strong enough to make it safely across Badwater Basin, through Furnace Creek, past Stovepipe Wells and to the top Townes Pass. We then dropped into Panamint Valley where temperatures reached 128 degrees and still reached the next cutoff ahead of schedule. Without the prospect of reaching the mile 90 cutoff in time our race ended there. As a former crew member at this race I know the physical and mental toll it takes and will forever appreciate the efforts my four incredible crew gave.
To everyone who already asked, yes…there is unfinished business out there and I would consider attempting it again. However, the motivation to return again one day for the smiles, hugs, friendship and shared love of running is equally as strong as finishing.
Make a donation to Harold’s efforts here.