Caring and Advocacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Letter from the Director

During this time of uncertainty, I am encouraged and inspired by the positive global response from the PH community on World PH Day. Thank you for participating in Virtual Race Day, donating, and supporting the launch of our first PH Feels Like video. In case you missed it, this video conveys the concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic from an PH patient perspective. Watch it here.
We have all been impacted by the devastation of COVID-19 and Team PH is no exception. We have kept our Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund open to applicants on a rolling basis to ease the burden of the pandemic toll, and we also have increased patient support through our COVID-19 Resources page and through live Twitter Chats. Dr. Patricia George will host our second Twitter Chat on May 27th 7-8pm CST, @teamphhope. Join the conversation regarding where we are two months after the beginning of the pandemic.
Under the advisory and direction of the city of Pittsburgh, the PHenomenal Hope 5K is going virtual, and to spice things up, it will be a week long event! Head to to register and compete with other participants to move the most throughout the week of June 27 to July 4. Now more than ever, your participation is vital to continue the support of this event and our mission to end PH. Visit the event website for more details regarding participating, prizes, and the raffle.
Additionally, we are pleased to report that despite this uncertain climate, through the generosity of events such as the PHenomenal Hope 5K, Callie’s Gaming for a Cure, and the PHriends4Life Concert, we are still on track to award our 2nd annual PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research award! Stay tuned for our award announcement in June.
Finally, I would like to make you aware of an opportunity to support charity organizations such as Team PH. Under new provisions of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) enacted by Congress, the new $300 Universal Charitable Deduction was created to help alleviate the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Taxpayers who don’t itemize may now deduct up to $300 per year in charitable contributions.
Because Team PH has been impacted by the cancellation or delay of many events and we strongly believe in putting patients first, I kindly ask you to consider making a donation and encouraging your network to do the same. Take advantage of this tax deduction opportunity.
You may make your donation to Team PH online at or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. *If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope