Celebrating Rare Disease Day
Sunday, February 28th is Rare Disease Day. It’s a day to celebrate our rare PH community, but also celebrate each individual living with PH, and the unique diagnoses, struggles, and journey experienced. In celebration of this day, this year we are focusing on research. Team PH is hosting a virtual research reception for medical professionals, scientists, nurses, and others alike on Monday, March 1 from 8-9pm EST to discuss current research in the field of pulmonary hypertension. We will also discuss the PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research award topic and process for this year. If you are interested in joining, please contact us at reasearch@teamphenomenalhope.org.
It may not feel like it with sub-zero temperatures and three feet of snow on the ground, but spring is right around the corner! Spring means the 8th Annual PHenomenal Hope 5K is quickly approaching. The event will be both in-person and virtual on Saturday, May 22nd. We would love to see as many of you as possible participate in this hallmark family fun event. Organizer Kayla Frattini and her crew of volunteers are hard at work making sure the event is both safe and successful–see our robust COVID-19 safety plan here. Register or donate today here!
The PH 5K is a major contributor to our PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research. Letters of intent to this fund are due on Saturday, March 13th, 2021. Investigators interested in applying for a $50,000 to conduct research in the field of PH should visit teamphgrants.org to see eligibility requirements and submit an LOI. We are looking forward to granting this award to continue our contribution to research and opening new doors in the way of treatment and ultimately a cure.
Reminder that the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund reopens on the first business day of each month. For March, it will reopen next week, Monday, March 1 at noon CST. As many families in our community continue to be financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are continuing to accept applications for pandemic related relief. Please visit teamph.org/unmetneeds to see eligibility requirements or to make a donation directly to this fund to support someone living with PH today.
Your monetary support to Team PH allows us to continue supporting patients directly, and making strides in discovering new research for improved treatments and a cure. You can make your donation online at teamph.org or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers, and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at linda@teamphenomenalhope.org.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director