COVID-19 and Day to Day: Patient Perspective

Pulmonary hypertension patients and others with compromised immune systems are focusing on protecting themselves during the outbreak of COVID-19. We polled members of the community to see what they are doing to remain functional while taking extra precautions to avoid contracting coronavirus.
Deborah Webster spoke to the details regarding protection for herself.
“My daughter was coming for lunch daily and last week we stopped that. My husband was commuting downtown daily, and is now working from home. I make sure shoes are off at the door (nothing new for us) and hands are washed. Equipment from work is wiped down thoroughly. I made my own hand sanitizer since none was found. I was always a fastidious cleaner, and now I am even more so. I have always cleaned door handles, kitchen knobs, and light switches. I clean with non-chemicals and special cloths which are antibacterial and antimicrobial.”
PH patient Rita Ellison shared how she is living day to day.
“I am keeping my daily contact limited to my husband and caregiver, Gordon. I have been social distancing for about three weeks (from groups, church and meetings). We are not having visitors to our home, especially family and our young grandchildren who may be carriers without visible symptoms. We are meeting with friends and family by conference calls, Zoom, facetime and other virtual communications. I am continuing my eating of healthy foods, while not letting myself use food as comfort. We have accepted offers from others to shop for us and leave it at our door. I am also feeding my mind and soul with healthy, factual, inspirational thoughts, as well as reading, listening to music, and watching movies.”
Patti Smardz is focused on keeping her mind just as healthy as her body.
“Worry is a total waste of time and causes extra stress and anxiety, which PH Patients do not need anyway. Fill your mind with good thoughts. Make future plans to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be expensive, or it may never come to fruition, but it’s always nice to have something to look forward to. Take a walk, even if it is short, and enjoy the outdoors. Listen to the nature around you. Clean out those closets you’ve been wanting to for a while. Bake or cook a favorite dish. Read a good book or watch movies. Journal every day. Limit yourself on social media, but be aware of current events from reliable sources. Remember, this too shall pass.”
We encourage you to join in the conversation. How are you living day to day in the wake of this pandemic? How are you protecting yourself? How has COVID-19 impacted your daily life? What advice do you have for other PH patients?
See more COVID-19 resources here.