Endurance and Unity: Letter from the Director
As we start to feel a stronger sense of normalcy returning to life, it is clear that our community has an innate ability to endure. At Team PH, our sense of unity is nourished by our endurance team recruitment and races from Harold Laudien, Elizabeth Montgomery, and Andrew Kolodziej in support of their Let Me Be Your Lungs partners.
Coming up on May 5th is World PH Day, and to celebrate, we will hold our annual virtual race day! This gives our team and anyone who wants to participate the ability to walk, run, bike, exercise, or advocate for pulmonary hypertension awareness, in a flexible manner, together on one day. We encourage you to share your participation online or via social media with the hashtag #WorldPHDay.
If you or someone you know is interested in running/walking a 5K, participating in a bike race, or another kind of endurance challenge any time throughout, we encourage you to join our endurance team! Visit teamph.org/join for more information and to join today.
The 8th Annual PHenomenal Hope 5K is now one month away–the biggest funder of our PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research. The event is scheduled both live and virtual on Saturday, May 22nd. We are now half way to our registration goal! We would love to see as many of you as possible participate in this hallmark event. Event organizer Kayla Frattini and her crew of volunteers are hard at work making this both a safe and enjoyable event for all. You can register here.
Remember, if you cannot attend the 5K in person you can sign up for virtual participation and you can make a donation to support our endurance team, PH patients, and research fund.
Our annual research award from the PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research has received top-notch proposals from a pool of incredible researchers. We are anxious to see the many benefits to the PH community that comes from the contributions of these researchers. Mark your calendars, on Saturday, July 17th, we will hold our annual Research Town Hall to discuss recent breakthroughs in the way of PH and announce the recipient of our 2021 award.
It is no secret that research and bringing new treatments to those living with PH is so important to us here at Team PH. Our friends at Bayer recently shared with us exciting news from their Phase IV Adempas trial results from 226 adult PAH patients. You can see their press release here.
Your financial support of Team PH and our mission is key. You may make your donation online at www.teamph.org or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at linda@teamphenomenalhope.org. We are grateful for your support, and the support of our corporate sponsors.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope