Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Community: Letter from the Director
A lot has transpired in the last month. Who would have ever thought we would experience anything like this in our lifetime? Yet here we are amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This is hard on all of us, but we recognize the particular struggle for those in our community.
Team PH staff, board of directors, and volunteers have mobilized quickly to support and serve our PH community during this pandemic. We wanted to share with you our action items:
1. We are mobilizing quickly to support our PH patient community by creating and sharing new blog posts related to COVID-19 and the PH community. Dr. Patty George has shared a great informational blog post. You can view it here. You can also read from the patient perspective here.
2. We hosted our first #TeamPHChat on Twitter with Dr. Patricia George and other medical professionals to answer your questions related to PH and the COVID-19 pandemic. This was well-received and we plan to host more Twitter Chats in the near future.
3. We opened and expanded the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund last week to assist PH patients with non-medical needs as a response to COVID-19 pandemic.
4. Members of our board are working to create a mask sewing initiative to support healthcare workers lacking personal protective equipment.
In other news, we are soon to launch a new campaign on our website called #PHFeelsLike. This will engage PH patients to answer a few questions to describe their patient experience with PH. These answers will be compiled and turned into short animations that we hope will aid in spreading more understanding of what it is like to live with PH.
The PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research is moving forward with a group of finalists, and we are on track to announce the award winner by June. You can learn more about our research award and last year’s winner here. The PHenomenal Hope 5K is a major contributor to our Team PH Global Research Fund and Award. You can learn more about this annual event, taking place Saturday, June 27, at phenomenalhope5k.com.
You may make your donation to Team PH online at www.teamph.org or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. *If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at linda@teamphenomenalhope.org.
To our PHriends, patients, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and supporters, stay home, be safe, and lean on us during this unprecedented time.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope