Letter from the Director: A Supportive Community
I have noticed a new “care” emoji on Facebook that conveys the sentiment, “even apart, we’re in this together.” Now more than ever we need to feel connected as a PH community. At Team PH, we want you to know that we support you and care about you during this time of uncertainty. I am encouraged and inspired by the positive responses to the actions we have taken to meet the needs of our PH community, such as opening our Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund to patients financially impacted by the pandemic, creating COVID-19 resources, launching our #PHFeelsLike campaign, and hosting Twitter Chats.
Our virtual PHenomenal Hope 5K starts this Saturday, June 27 and goes until Saturday, July 4! This event may be different this year, but the impact you make from your participation and donation is more important than ever. To spice things up, each day of the event will be themed, including Hawaiian day, favorite sports team day, and pulmonary hypertension awareness day. We also have auction items up for grabs and participation prizes! Take just a few minutes today to register or donate at phenomenalhope5k.com. The proceeds from this event support our PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research, which we award annually to find new, innovative treatments and ultimately a cure for PH.
This month there has been news of new research and clinical trials for PH. Team PH will be holding a virtual Research Day on July 11, where we invite medical and industry professionals to present findings for patients, families, and all members of the community. This is also an opportunity for us to announce the winner of this year’s PHenomenal Impact Fund Research Award. Please watch our social media channels for further updates.
Team PH is no exception to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help alleviate the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus, Congress has enacted the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Taxpayers who don’t itemize may now deduct up to $300 per year in charitable contributions.
Because Team PH has been impacted by the cancellation of many events, and we strongly believe in putting patients first, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation and taking advantage of this tax deduction opportunity. Thank you for your past and future support, and we will continue to weather this pandemic storm together!
You may make your donation to Team PH online at www.teamph.org or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. *If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at linda@teamphenomenalhope.org.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope