Letter from the Director: Transitions

My name is Linda Appleby and I’m the new Executive Director at Team PHenomenal Hope. I have only been on the job less than three weeks and already I have met with event coordinators in Pittsburgh. I have been impressed with the passion and commitment of those I have met.
My background includes fifteen years of fundraising experience in higher education, human services, and health care. My personal journey with pulmonary hypertension is two-fold. My father passed away at a young age from heart failure as a complication of pulmonary hypertension. At that time there were no resources to turn to for support or education. Years later when I worked at the Medical College of Wisconsin-Cardiovascular Center and ProHealth Care, I had the opportunity to work with grateful PH patients, families and researchers to raise funds around medical research, seed funds, and patient unmet needs in the PH community. This has led me to Team PHenomenal Hope.
We will be continuing to do what we do well in supporting the PH community with our events and programs. Our #LetMeBeYourLungs program touches my heart to learn patient stories and the impact of pairing with an athlete. We will be building greater awareness, our value proposition, refining processes, awarding more grants, and seeking more grants. We will continue to encourage and support our athletes. We see tremendous opportunity to have a greater impact on the lives of those with pulmonary hypertension. I so look forward to working with all of you.
Linda Appleby