Letter from the Staff

Well here we are, wrapping up the first month of 2023.
In case you don’t know me, I am Team PH’s Community Outreach and Marketing Director. This role really matches my passion: connecting with the people we serve.
Each year I use January as a reflection time for what we have accomplished and what lies ahead of us. Team PHenomenal Hope has been through an enormous amount of growth and transition since I joined the organization in 2017. Back then, we were an organization with an endurance program and a big heart.
Today, we have a financial assistance program, the Meaghan Michelle Hicks Fund for Unmet Needs, as well as a research award, the PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research. We created a virtual support group, led by a PH patient for PH patients, and accessible to anyone nationally. We recruited a Medical Advisory Committee made up of leading pulmonary hypertension doctors, nurses, and scientists who guide and inform the resources we share.
We have forged new relationships globally with various members of the PH community. Which brings me to my point. New doors have opened for Team PH, and in 2023 we are excited to share with you where those doors are taking us. We are pleased to be able to offer new resources, education, and opportunities coming soon. We have planned an exciting announcement (that we are pretty proud of!) for Rare Disease Day, on Tuesday, February 28.
To those reading this who have been with us since the beginning in 2012, know how grateful we are for your support that has helped us get to where we are now. To those who are new to Team PH, we invite you to stick around. There is so much we can do to help you navigate you PH. We hope you’ll stay tuned for our big announcement!
Katie Werner
Community Outreach and Marketing Director, Team PH