Race with Team PH across the USA… RAAM!
In just about 3 weeks, Team PHenomenal Hope will be racing with the PH community across the United States. What? Yes, in less than 9 days we’ll race our bicycles coast-to-coast, 24/7, 4 racers and 13 crew members in a caravan through the desert, over the Rockies, across the plains, over the Appalachians, and into Annapolis.
We hope you will follow with us. In fact, we need you! We need your support, your prayers, your positive thoughts, your spirits to help us complete this journey.
Many have asked how to follow our progress. There are several ways (even starting today)!
- “Like” Team PHenomenal Hope on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter. Here we will be posting the most up-to-the minute updates (between now and the finish line in June).
- Also we want to hear from you! Please share your posts, tweets, and join us as we all race to Annapolis together.
- Follow the PHA Race of Our Lives Cue Sheet for feature stories and updates.
- Attending PHA conference? We’ll be on the road then, but will be keeping you abreast of the latest updates (stay tuned for more conference information).
Where does the race go?
Check out our updated RAAM page to see the course route and Time Stations (cities through which we will pass).
When will you get to the finish line?
Although anything can happen during RAAM, from headwinds to tailwinds, tornados to thunderstorms, we have to get to the finishline in 9 days or less. The start of the race is June 14, and our estimated time of arrival is sometime late on Saturday, June 21 or early on Sunday, June 22.