Bike Sebring century/12/24 Hours 2015
February 23,2015
I ride my bike to find my soul, to free my mind, to free the child inside. I ride my Read More...

The Year Ahead - Team PHenomenal Hope 2015
February 10,2015
In 2014, Team PHenomenal Hope partnered with the Pulmonary Hypertension Association to accomplish a major milestone: completing the Race Across Read More...

2015 Bike Sebring 24 Hour & Ultra cycling RAAM Qualifier
January 22,2015
Pascale Lercangee raced in the 2015 Bike Sebring 24 Hour & Ultra cycling RAAM Qualifier for Team PHenomenal Hope.

2015 Bike Sebring 24 Hour & Ultra cycling RAAM Qualifier
January 22,2015
Pascale Lercangee raced in the 2015 Bike Sebring 24 Hour & Ultra cycling RAAM Qualifier for Team PHenomenal Hope.