Team PHenomenal Hope 2015

New Year, New Look
Happy New Year from Team PHenomenal Hope! In 2015, we are proud to continue our race to raise awareness about pulmonary hypertension – all with the hope of a cure at the finish line.
Part of our renewed, expanded efforts to put pulmonary hypertension on the map includes a fresh new look. This has started with a completely redesigned website and updated logo.
Led by Christopher Field at Fort Pitt Web Shop, our design team has spent the last couple months optimizing our website. Working from the ground up, we are striving to improve communication with people who have never heard about pulmonary hypertension, as well as with our PH friends and colleagues.
The new home page will feature patient stories, along with breaking news about Team PH activities and events. Steve and Sarah Bon of Bon’s Eye Marketing have designed an email newsletter to give our supporters easy access to everything that Team PH is doing. Better yet, the Bons have promised a double-pronged piece – both informational AND fun.
Also on the branding side, Dale McNutt of StartUptown has been assisting us in the design of a new PH logo. The process started with casual coffee shop chats about our organization, team and goals. Dale jotted down the concepts, produced several pages of art and eventually came up with four dynamic logos. We then took the logo to our community. Ultimately a panel of individual comprised of people living with PH, care providers, and members of our team contributed significantly to the evolution and selection of our logo. With the help of these dedicated folks, we came up with a real winner.

The new 2015 Team PHenomenal Hope Logo
Our new logo blends a couple different elements. The style reflects our original design – a nod to our origins in 2012, the first Race Across America in 2014 and all the positive memories we’ve made so far.
As symbols of what’s to come, we’ve enhanced the color scheme with a bold purple, which represents strength and PH awareness. The lightning bolt signifies Team PHenomenal Hope’s ongoing commitment to serve as a lightning rod of awareness and to energize the pulmonary hypertension community-at-large.
Our heartfelt thanks to our panelists, designers and all those who have provided valuable input as we move forward in the race against PH. Meanwhile, there’s more excitement to come. Stay tuned!