Thank you to our 2015 Corporate Sponsors

In 2015, we had the good fortune of acquiring support from magnanimous Corporate sponsors, who ran, rode, or swam the extra mile to make sure we were prepared, and championed our mission through their generous donations or incredible in-kind contributions. This past year has been a transformative one, due in large part to the altruism and enthusiasm of our sponsors, and Team PHenomenal Hope would like to take a moment to thank these special Corporate sponsors for their incredible generosity.
Glenn Pawlak and his team at Big Bang Bicycles have been our supporters since the very beginning of Team PHenomenal Hope, providing us with bicycles, proper fitting, gear, and mechanical support. This bike shop truly take customer service to the next level. Whether it means setting someone up on their very first bicycle so they can ride on the local riverfront trails, or fitting a professional athlete on a top of the line, race-ready road bike, Big Bang takes each customer’s needs to heart to help them realize their cycling dreams. They provided us with incredible service to keep us training and racing, and also sent a mechanic with spare equipment to join our crew in the Race Across the West. Big Bang Bicycles is a supporter of their cycling community at large, sponsoring rides such as the famous Dirty Dozen. Big Bang Bicycles is one of the best bicycle shops in Pittsburgh and we are proud to have them as our sponsor. Thank you, Glenn and the Big Bang crew!
We also thank Fiks:Reflective and Nick Drombosky for continued support in 2015. Again he customized bikes for the Race Across the West and gave us some “American in Paris” flare for Paris-Brest-Paris. Nick also provided us with awesome gear for our RAW crew and one-of-a-kind signature reflective T’s for athletes joining us in the Pittsburgh marathon so not only were we safe and seen, we looked good too. If you are looking for some reflective designs to keep you seen on the road or trail, turn to Fiks.
Speaking of Pittsburgh Marathon, this year Gilead joined us and helped bring the Team PHenomenal Hope mission to life at the Pittsburgh Marathon. They provided the funding to fuel the energy of our entry into our largest hometown amateur event. With Gilead’s support, we brought over 45 Team PH members and supporters to run, cheer, and volunteer. They helped us paint Pittsburgh purple with our T-shirts and also supported us with shoes on the ground. We thank Gilead for their enthusiastic support.
We also thank Eat’n Park for supporting our Pittsburgh Marathon event with a post-race victory celebration and help in promoting our vibe. We are also excited about how Eat’n Park, a solid Pittsburgh-based establishment with restaurants throughout the region, continues to offer healthy choices and sources their produce and food from local farms whenever possible.
Finally, we thank Fort Pitt Web Shop, which revitalized and reenvisioned how we communicate with the public through the web. The backbone of our communications is our newly redesigned website, which started with a meeting over coffee with their founder, Chris Field. Chris understands and supports our mission, and has grown our website and web presence to evolve with the new and exciting Team PHenomenal Hope adventures. We thank Chris for all his hard work to develop our amazing web platform.
Again, thank you to all our Corporate sponsors for helping us make an #imPHact in 2015. We could not have done it without you!
Interested in sponsoring Team PH on the Foundation Level? Read our Read our sponsorship packet, we’d love to have you along for the ride.