Thank you to our 2015 Foundation Sponsors

As we approach Thanksgiving, Team PHenomenal Hope would like to thank our 2015 sponsors and supporters for helping us surpass expectations and literally put PH on the map!
There are several companies who have supported us at the Foundation level from the very beginning of Team PHenomenal Hope, as well as those who eagerly joined us as we started in new expanding directions. These people and organizations believed in an idea and in a team, and put their heart behind what we do by doing what they do best. In their own ways, they each supported our athletes and helped us get the message out and raise funds to find a cure.
Team PH would like to thank:
Printscape Imaging & Graphics provided unique signage at our events and vehicle decals for Race Across the West. Owner John Dziak is an avid cyclist who has supported our cause since the beginning, helping us push our own limits of physical endurance and transmit our message about PH. With Printscape’s graphics and decals, people from California to Colorado, as well as throughout our tri-state area, have heard of Team PHenomenal Hope and Pulmonary Hypertension. If you need signs or posters made for your business or cause, head to Printscape for quality work by a quality business.
Joe Hoover and Kevin Yeargers at Northwestern Mutual not only supported our team with their generous sponsorship, but went the extra mile, holding a fundraiser during the NCAA Tournament to benefit Team PHenomenal Hope and running in the Pittsburgh Marathon events with us! These guys not only lace up their shoes to walk, err, run the run for PH, but they also talk the talk with personal finance. Visit Joe and Kevin for solid planning advice for a financially fit future.
“Coach Jim” Bruskewitz at Endurance Performance has been our go-to endurance coach with ultracycling events. His commitment to his athletes helped us plan and balance training with work and life as we prepared for RAAM, Race Across the West, and Paris-Brest-Paris. His training strategies have gotten us to many monumental finish lines. Thank you, Jim, for supporting us in our efforts!
StartUptown – One year ago, we were ready to launch a fresh look and logo that better captured the essence of Team PHenomenal Hope. We turned to Dale McNutt, whose creativity and artistic eye helped us relaunch our brand. He brought in the bold purple and new design capped off by the lightning bolt, which reflects our role as a lightning rod to raise PH awareness. Dale is also the president of StartUptown, a nonprofit community-based coworking space in Pittsburgh for start up companies, and home of Team PHenomenal Hope office!
Being a Foundation sponsor for Team PH goes beyond the nuts and bolts of finance and marketing. As athletes, we would get nowhere fast without the right fuel.
For on-the-bike and on-the-run nutrition, we appreciate the continued support of Generation UCAN, a revolutionary superstarch that is improving the performance of athletes from elite athletes to passionate athletes to first-time athletes. We greatly appreciate the fuel from California to Colorado, and from Paris to Brest and back. If you’re looking to level up in your racing next year, whether that means competing in your first 5K or qualifying for your next Ironman, run to Generation UCAN for performance nutrition support.
We want to thank Beet Boost, our fabulous new sponsor this year who provided us with a this great supplement to our training and racing. Beet Boost is a combination of beet and tart cherry without added sugars, sweeteners or preservatives. It helped fuel our marathoners in setting their personal records in Boston and Chicago, and also helped our ultracyclists achieve new records and goals as well. If you’re going to race, reach for the BOOST you deserve, and feel the difference for yourself.
Finally, for our off-the-bike nutrition, Team PHenomenal Hope turned to Pittsburgh Fresh, a local woman-owned business that provides pre-cooked Paleo meals (free of gluten, grain, and sugar) for our athletes. Whether fueling for races or for life, Ling’s meals are nutritious, and incredibly delicious. With Pittsburgh Fresh, we could eat healthy despite a packed schedule of work and training. If you want to try something new and tasty, make sure you check out Pittsburgh Fresh with new meals every week!
Again we thank our Foundation Sponsors for their generous support in 2015. Thank you for racing with Team PHenomenal Hope towards awareness and, someday, a cure for Pulmonary Hypertension.
Interested in sponsoring Team PH on the Foundation Level? Read our Read our sponsorship packet, we’d love to have you along for the ride.