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Bayer HealthCare is among the world’s foremost innovators in the field of pharmaceutical, medical, and veterinary products. Through their products and our research and development pipeline, they are among the world’s leading companies in the fight against severe, chronic, and life-threatening diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension, multiple sclerosis, hemophilia A, and various forms of cancer.


How inventive can a healthcare company be?

Our sponsor’s vision is best expressed through their own words:

At Bayer HealthCare, we think the answer lies within each of us. It’s the vision and ideas of our people that help us fulfill unmet medical needs, improve health, solve problems, and build categories . . . quickly, creatively, and by blending the best of science with ingenuity and imagination. What we do makes a difference.

Team PHenomenal Hope is proud to have Bayer as a sponsor of our team.

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