Continuing our Momentum: Letter from the Director

As we say goodbye to summer and welcome the harvest season, our calendar and momentum is not slowing down.
Our first ever virtual Support Group meeting this month was a success! We were eager to facilitate an environment for people living with pulmonary hypertension to ask questions, get answers, and make connections. Many thanks to our support group leader Lenise Whitley for her work in organizing this program, as well as our first speaker Sue Gammill who presented on the important topic of managing mental health. We invite you to attend our next meeting in November, led by PH patient Julia Feitner, detailing the dos and don’ts while traveling with PH. Stay tuned for the date and registration link.
ICYMI Team PH is in preparations to launch two new PH patient educational programs. We have been awarded a grant to launch new educational resources to be shared on our website, and we will be launching a “Back to Life” campaign of short videos and blog posts highlighting information on how to return to life. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates as we develop these programs.
Our Let Me Be Your Lung athletes have a full fall schedule. Anthony Piatek took on the Quad Cities Marathon last weekend in honor and memory of his mother, Mary Jo Piatek, who sadly passed away from PH. This was Anthony’s 13th marathon in support of the PH community and over the years has collectively raised more than $30,000 to support our cause.
Our friends at Aria CV in Minnesota completed their yearly bike ride in support of Team PH this month. They rode 25 miles and raised more than $5000 to support Team PH. This was the fifth year working with Aria CV; continued support from groups like Aria CV confirm that we are able to progress in our mission to end PH.
We have a couple upcoming events this month that you can support. Team PH athlete Christina Mueller will run the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 10! Additionally, the Courageous Me Concert by Michelle Lockey is on Saturday, October 23. Learn more and register for this in-person and virtual event here. If you are interested in planning and hosting a virtual or live event to benefit Team PH, please reach out to me at
Finally, we are looking forward to the best month of the year, November, PH awareness month. Included in our calendar are virtual talks via Zoom by Dr. Noah Greenspan, Julia Feitner, and Twitter chats led by leading PH specialists. Watch for our full November list of activities in October.
We welcome your support to Team PH. Donate online at or by check to Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512. *If you would like to learn about giving options such as stock transfers, IRA rollovers, and other tax advantaged giving, please contact me directly at
Each month we are humbled by the support of the community, donors, volunteers, and corporate sponsors. We look forward to another full month ahead of serving you.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope