.... there goes May!
May 28,2014
May is ending this week. Can you believe it?! MAY IS ENDING THIS WEEK!!! What follows May (and the April showers Read More...
Race with Team PH across the USA... RAAM!
May 23,2014
In just about 3 weeks, Team PHenomenal Hope will be racing with the PH community across the United States. What? Read More...

Training ride in the mountains TS 48-TS 49
May 20,2014
Or "Cumberland to Hancock and back again" Or "From Sheetz to Shining Sheetz" Or "Just another training ride blog" Mountains. Read More...

Weekend at TOSRV
May 12,2014
I went to Ohio in search of adventure this weekend, and I found it in TOSRV, which stands for Tour Read More...
Fighting the Headwinds
May 05,2014
This weekend the Team drove over to Springfield, OH to race the 12-hr Calvin's Challenge. Sadly, the Simpson's were nowhere Read More...