Caring and Advocacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Letter from the Director
May 21,2020
During this time of uncertainty, I am encouraged and inspired by the positive global response from the PH community on Read More...

Diagnosis and COVID-19 Obstacles: Darlene Serrano
May 18,2020
After two days of Hurricane Maria I started to feel sick. I was short of breath and fatigued; it felt Read More...

Life Needed to Change: Tina Brincko
May 12,2020
Hello, my name is Tina Brincko and I’m from Lake Mary, Florida. I have three amazing children and a loving Read More...

Thoughts on World PH Day and Discussing #PHFeelsLike During a Global Pandemic
May 05,2020
A Word from Team PH Founder and President Dr. Patricia George On this World PH Day we are excited to Read More...

My COVID-19 Survival Story: Laura Rivera
May 04,2020
On Friday, March 28 my husband woke up and told me he was not feeling well and that maybe I Read More...

COVID-19 Interrupted my PH Progress: Victoria Mercado
May 01,2020
Several years ago after having many physical health concerns, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, etc., I couldn't do normal Read More...