Cultivating A Better Tomorrow
If you are a gardener in the Northeastern US, as I am, you’ll know it is time to plant bulbs for your spring tulips. What’s on my mind though is nurturing the seeds for spring Team PH racing teams around the world.
We are so humbled and excited to be a partner with Paula Menendez for Team PHenomenal Hope Brasil. The athletes on the Brazil team race to raise awareness of pulmonary hypertension and to petition the Brazilian government to increase access to life-saving FDA approved treatments. Paula just passed a benchmark of 25,000 signatures to the petition.
Congratulations, Team PHenomenal Hope Brasil! Looking forward to racing with you this October in the 75 km Bertioga footrace in Maresias, Brazil!
This is our first multi-national racing event!
Pulmonary Hypertension is not mindful of geography. It occurs in people throughout the world. We are seeking to support efforts outside the United States to grow Team PH racing groups who will work to accomplish goals important to their communities.
Hopefully the seeds being planted around the world now will grow and flourish in the spring and beyond to become a strong network of racers, fighting PH for their country, and racing to get to a cure, faster.
It can’t happen without support. We are appealing to our major sponsors in the coming month to help us provide robust and tangible support to the grassroots PH communities who have identified as willing to do the difficult work to grow a racing team.
We have many exciting plans and races in store for 2017. Support of the global community is only a part of the work we have set out to do over the coming year. There is so, so much more – and I cannot wait to let you know about it. Stay tuned for those messages! For now, I’ve got to get back out to my tulips. A little investment and labor today brings a great deal of beauty down the road.