Julie Tracy’s Race Report

I am very excited for 2019! A lot has happened already this year. My former Let Me Be Your Lungs partner Camille Frede has graduated to new lungs and became an athlete herself! She is taking on the transplant Olympics this summer, and then doing a mountain bike race called the Iceman in November. Our team is joining her to race the Iceman, something I have never done before. Watching Camille recover from her surgery and push forward has been amazing. She’s incredibly inspiring, not to mention a great friend. I cannot wait to hit the trails someday with her, as she recently moved back home to Michigan. I am hoping to get to know Ashley Horton, my new Let Me Be Your Lungs partner, more this year. Below I have shared a picture of Camille, myself, and Ashley.
Last year I took on another half IRONMAN and found myself having the same injuries with running. So, this year I decided to do Olympic and sprint triathlons (age group nationals being the big race), but really focus on my weaknesses. This started with lots of strength training and nutrition. I joined a gym over the winter and committed to consistent core training, and strengthening weak areas that will help with running (and cycling too!). I zeroed in on my nutrition, cut out anything that caused issues, and started cooking a lot more. It’s actually been fun and I’ve definitely been seeing results.
Team PHenomenal Hope has always been about stepping out of your comfort zone for me. I started with a bang with the 200 mile bike race in 2017 going so well, but am always humbled by triathlon training. There’s always something more you can work on. Hopefully this year will be the best yet!