My Year in Review: Melissa Callas

Life has been a struggle without Devon. After he passed away, I was immediately drawn to Team PHenomenal Hope. I wanted to run, spread awareness of Pulmonary Hypertension, and raise money for PH research. I stayed focused and met my running goals for 2016.
Michigan winters have always negatively impacted my fitness, and that held true for 2017. In addition to winter weather, grief really had (has) its grips on me throughout this year. I started off on track with running a 5K in March, 25K in May, 5K in May, 5K in July, and 5K in September. I wore my Team PHenomenal Hope gear, with pride, to each event. Then, starting in July, my body became plagued with inflammation and injury. Each time I ran, something new hurt (and not in the good way). All of the joints in my body seem to be angry and are not recovering quickly. I’m currently struggling with the toe joints in my right foot. It’s frustrating, but it has redirected my focus to an interest in biking instead of running.
For now, I’m exercising as I’m able, including circuit training and stationary recumbent bike. For 2018, I’d like to explore biking and I’ve set my sights (possibly unrealistically so!) on a 5-day trip through Michigan’s lower peninsula and crossing the Mackinaw Bridge into the upper peninsula for the final leg of the event. I’ll also continue running 5K’s as I’m able.
I was completely awed by the generosity of my family, friends, and acquaintances. Through a simple Facebook share of my Crowdrise page, my $500 fundraising goal very quickly reached $2,791!
I have been amazed by so many of the Team PHenomenal Hope members. Their commitment and level of fitness is incredible. Peace out to 2017, and I’m looking forward to a stronger and more successful 2018! Go Team!