The 2016 Horrible Hundred is Over!
Joseph Richardson
And we survived. 100+ miles. 4000+ feet of vertical climbing. And after seven hours on our bikes, Joe, Kathleen and I crossed the finish line. Carol finished earlier, taking the 70 mile route.
I admit I was worried about having the endurance, the breath, to climb Sugarloaf after riding 76 miles. But I remembered that that’s exactly what some PH patients must go through just doing household chores or walking across a room. So, head down and standing up, with the names of seven PH patients on my back, I pushed one pedal down and pulled the other pedal up all the way to the top.
I had a GoPro on my helmet and thought the battery had died. But at the bottom of the hill I pushed the record button and heard it beep. Most of the video I recorded is a shot of the road in front of my bike with my shadow off to the side and the sound of my constant, heavy breathing. It is now my reminder of the reason that I, and all the members of Team Phenomenal Hope, do what we do.
Thanks to everyone who offered their support, encouragement and money. It was much appreciated. Please see Kathleen’s Facebook page and my Strava page for the route and stats, and more pictures, including the names of the PH patients we wore on our back.