80 Patients Funded: Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund Update

As of November 16th, Team PHenomenal Hope, with the help of our friends at phaware.global, Blue Lips Foundation, Reata Pharmaceuticals, and Gilead Sciences, has awarded 80 microgrants of $500 to PH patients through the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund.
That is a total of $40,000 granted in just over two months to help members of the PH community in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico get back on their feet after suffering devastation from the recent hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.
These funds are assisting patients in purchasing basic survival necessities such as food, clean water, or temporary lodging as their homes are not yet repaired from the storm damage. Patients are also able to put the funds toward purchasing a generator, fixing their oxygen concentrator, or making repairs to their home.
At night I’ve had to use an extension cord from my neighbor’s generator at his house to use my CPAP machine. This will help me get my own generator.
We want to express our immense gratitude to phaware.global, Blue Lips Foundation, Reata Pharmaceuticals, and Gilead Sciences, and all who made personal donations to the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund. Additionally, we want to thank all who shared information about this fund, or helped PH patients apply. Without your help, reaching 80 patients would not have been possible.
I really appreciate your help. It’s hard for us here in Puerto Rico. As today, 46 days after the Hurricane María, we still don’t have electric power in our homes. I will use the money to obtain some kind of generator so I can rest and have a good environment.”
We don’t want our relief efforts to end here. Every day there are PH patient across the nation who experience emergency situations; these folks could use a hand in getting back on their feet as well. Our goal is to eventually open this fund up to any PH patient with a non-medical unmet need to aid in alleviating some of the stress that comes with this disease.
For more information about the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund or to make a donation to continue supporting PH patients with unmet needs, click here.
Thank you,
Team PHenomenal Hope