Season of Hope and Thanks: Impact and Call to Action

2020 has been a year of uncertainty and resilience as we faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we could not meet in person at conferences, events or support groups we found different ways to support each other. Although there was chaos throughout the world, we at Team PHenomenal Hope found a rhythm and a level of peace. Recap with me:
- The 2020 PHenomenal Hope 5K went virtual for the first time since its conception. The community support for this event was nothing short of amazing, and our race director Kayla Frattini worked tirelessly to make the event widely successful.
- We expanded the Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund to support those who have been financially impacted by the pandemic. This year alone we granted funds to 80 applicants.
- Team PH brought a new focus to educational events, such as our first ever virtual Research Town Hall, Twitter chats, and virtual racing alongside #LetMeBeYourLungs partners.
- We debuted our PH Feels Like series. These are animated videos describing what it feels like to live with PH entirely from a patient perspective. See our latest video focusing on hope and resilience here.
- We announced our 2nd annual PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research award winner. Watch this incredible moment here.
- -Our PH awareness month campaign brought in support from every reach of the country, raising more than $79,000 to support our mission and programs, including research for improved treatment and a cure. This campaign, the Tour of PHenomenal Hope, included three patient-focused virtual Town Halls, a live race via Zoom, and a month-long exercise competition via Strava. Finally, Dr. Patricia George hosted a live discussion on Twitter focusing on hope and resilience.
These events were successful because of you, the PH community. Thank you from all of us at Team PH, our board, patients, and partners.
Pulmonary hypertension patients struggle every day to do what the rest of us take for granted: simply breathe. At Team PH we are racing faster to find a cure. With your involvement and support we live our mission through our programs and services. We encourage you to continue and expand your participation in the new year. Please join us in this fight against PH by making your generous gift now. Together we can make an impact in the race to cure pulmonary hypertension.
Under the CARES ACT of 2020, charitable donations of up to $300 will be 100% tax deductible “above line” regardless if you itemize or not on your tax return. This a great incentive for making a year-end donation to Team PH. Online donations can be made quickly, easily, and securely at Checks can be mailed to: Team PHenomenal Hope, P.O. Box 1115, Beloit, WI 53512.
If you are age 70 ½ or older you can direct a charitable donation to Team PH from your IRA. You can contact me at to discuss other avenues to support Team PH.
We wish you a joyful and safe holiday season! We look forward to serving the PH community in 2021.
Linda Appleby
Executive Director
Team PHenomenal Hope is a 501c3 non-profit organization, EIN: 45-4956117.