Tour of PHenomenal Hope Town Hall Recap

November 20,2020

As we are almost through our 3rd week of Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month, Team PHenomenal Hope has concluded our third and final Town Hall in our Tour of PHenomenal Hope.

This month we have worked to put together several different types of stages to bring our community together, and the town halls have succeeded in helping us to put out quality information about pulmonary hypertension.

Each meeting featured a guest lecturer who spoke for approximately 30 minutes on a topic, followed by time for live Q&A from our audience. We worked to keep these brief and on topic, so that people could get their nugget of information, and also be able to share them with family, friends, PHriends, and others in the community.

Here is our brief recap:

On November 4, Dr. Jean Elwing, PH pulmonologist from the University of Cincinnati, gave an outstanding overview of pulmonary hypertension. Her talk covered “What is pulmonary hypertension (PH), how it is diagnosed, and the different types of PH”. She presented a very understandable overview on this topic.
This week was sponsored by our endurance and Let Me Be Your Lungs programs.
Please check out her talk here.

On November 11, Dr. John Ryan, PH cardiologist from the University of Utah, and Cindy Schmidt, a mother and soon-to-be-grandmother who lives with PH, presented their town hall on “Empowering the person living with pulmonary hypertension,” and really broke down how to empower people – both what we can do from the provider’s side as well as how people living with PH can also help empower themselves, in a discussion that gets at resilience.
This week was sponsored by our Unmet Needs Patient Impact Fund.
Please check out their discussion here.

On November 18, Dr. Jean-Luc Vachiery, PH cardiologist from Erasme Academic Hospital in Brussels, Belgium, gave an outstanding talk on the latest in PH-related research: “Research Breakthroughs and Where we are Headed” In this talk he summarized the latest findings from our most recent clinical trails (Pulsar – sotatercept, Triton – triple upfront combination therapy), and how to frame where we are and where we are headed in the PH field of research. It is a thorough overview and wonderful for bringing us hope in this field.
This week was sponsored by our PHenomenal Impact Fund for Global PH Research.
Please check out his outstanding lecture here.

November is PH Awareness month, the goal is to spread the word about PH. Watch these videos, share with your family, and community, share with those who know nothing about PH. You can help change who knows what PH means! Finally a big thank you to all who volunteered their time to help us understand PH, to live with PH and to Hope for a better future and one day a cure.

Finally, this would not be possible without our sponsors: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Bayer, Acceleron, CVS Specialty, United Therapeutics, and Altavant Sciences.

If you enjoy this content and want to help support Team PHenomenal Hope in these programs, please donate today at

Patricia George, MD

Tour of PHenomenal Hope Supported By:

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